Hero Background

New World Influence Updates

New WorldMade by DevLeon

Bring a visual understanding of each server


The :nwmap: Influence Project helps to bring a visual understanding of each New World server.

Website https://influence.th.gl/

Subscribe to server updates

You like to get up-to-date of server changes on your own Discord server? Subscribe (https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/360028384531-Channel-Following-FAQ) to the server updates.

Show influence map

On Aeternum Map (https://aeternum-map.th.gl/?section=influences), you can find the influence maps per server. You can contribute by scanning the factions influence map on your server with the Aeternum Map app (https://www.overwolf.com/app/Leon_Machens-Aeternum_Map). The overlay is visible in-game and usable with a simple click.

GitHub https://github.com/lmachens/nwmap

Updated at Mon May 08 2023